I salute you, Mr. Blair.
As to the next president of our great country, only time will tell. But with all of the preliminary stuff going on right now, I think that the most important thing for any candidate to do is to gain the support of celebrities. That's right, celebrities. I think we need to ask ourselves some questions to which the word "celebrities" might be the answer to.
Who knows the most about politics?
Who controls the most wealth in this country?
Um, I'm going to go with, celebrities?
If you want money for campaigning, I guess the most important people to gain the approval of are celebrities.
Who would have thought that the great financial supporters of our political system would bring us such genius works as Daddy Daycare? This smells like a win/win situation to me.
Hey I liked this one nice job Natalie!
Carrie I have no blog
I agree, I liked this one the best, but if you want some constructive criticism here it is:
I think that instead of attacking grammar and spelling errors of other peoples comments, you should either choose to ignore them, or respond to the new arguement that they pose. Bad grammar and poor spelling are not a reflection of a person, but instead a reflection on the fact that they are used to typing on a computer that has 'word', which automatically corrects their spelling mistakes.
Also, my view of a journalist is not the same thing as my view of a person who is a blogger. Any idiot can make a blog, post a comment or create a website, its so easy a caveman could do it! A journalist is somebody who finds new and creative stories, or creates stories and writes them in a fashion that is 'journalistic' and interesting for others to read, ie. the opinion column in the IDS. A blogger is somebody who just writes random thoughts on the internet and hopes that others read them. If you want to be considered a REAL journalist, prove it, actions speak louder than words. So far, you have told us all that you consider yourself a journalist, but have not proven it with actions at all. Re-writing stories that are already all over the internet(There are facebook groups about Britney shaving her head) don't prove that you have any skill other than reading People magazine and watching VH1's Best Week Ever. Find a story and write it, thats a true journalist.
Written By: A New Anonymous Writer Who Doesn't Want To Sign Up For An Account Just So She Can Post This Comment
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