"I believe that you are the "ignorant" one. You tag your so called post only to those you know will agree with you. Come on, what are you afraid of? That someone may actually prove you wrong. Well then, I suggest you get use to harsh criticism. Something tells me by your ignorant "pro-life" point of view without all the facts will result in your failure as a journalist. Here is some real advice, BE OPEN MINDED!"
Why don't we look at this comment.
In the second sentence, "tag your so called post" should be "tag your so-called post". In the fourth sentence, I believe it was supposed to be in the form of a question, but hark! No question mark. Tsk, tsk, poor punctuation. 5th sentence - "I suggest you get use to harsh criticism" should be "I suggest you get used to harsh criticism". I'm not even going to touch that 6th sentence (if you can call it a sentence). Sorry, I don't deal well with fragments. And that last sentence... ouch. "Here is some real advice, BE OPEN MINDED!". Ever heard of a colon? Let's move way back to oh, say 6th grade english?
Anyway, I really appreciate any constructive criticism anybody can offer me. Key word being constructive here. If you are just going to comment because you don't like me, cool. Atleast leave your name next time, though. Otherwise I'm going to think that you are scared! Aw, sad. I don't think anybody who has a blog is really afraid of people disagreeing with them. Come on now, I encourage it!! That's really what this is all about! I'm not going to apoligize for my views, and you shouldn't either. This world is too full of people who are afraid to say what they think. Now, let's get some debate going!
hey babes, it's cute that you try to slander me, but I never claimed to being a journalist. However, you think you will be one, but sorry to burst your bubble. With soft shitty news like yours, you won't make it anywhere. Right now I can think of one person who should have had an abortion, please tell me you arn't that stupid to figure that one out.
Ahh, the old "I can't come up with a rational argument/comeback so I will just make insults toward the person and their family" trick. I am a big fan of that one. You must have been in debate.
its funny that you say its her soft news. you might not know this but she doesn't actually make the news. she just reports it. i think the post above is right. you really are clever to come up with something like that. i don't know how you will make it in your profession if you don't spend all your time studying because it looks like you need it. so you should probably stop wasting your time making stupid comments.
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