Wait. Let's see a show of hands.
Good, that's... everybody.
You would think that IU's student body president might not let people take pictures of her when she is drinking. I don't know, maybe that's just me though. Well, come to think of it, I would probably want the whole world to know (including potential employers) that even though I am a hardworking president representing an entire university that I can damn well still have fun! Yeah. Good one.
Kudos to IDS for that one.
Oh, and don't you just love when politicians say something that the public has been saying for years and expect everybody to think that whatever they said was pure genius? Like maybe, just maybe, we hadn't thought about that yet? I for one love when this happens. It really reafirms my belief in the American political system which gives the creative, free-thinking politicians of our great country (which may I remind everybody that our country is founded by free-thinkers) a chance at the presidency. Oh man, I can hardly wait.
I KNOOOW seeing besty hinke's (SP?) face on the front cover throwing back the booze made my day!! Go Team IDS! (high fives all around!)
Although I understand your view point in being pro-life because of a religious stand point, I do believe you are failing to look at the potential social problems of banning abortion. Banning abortion will not work. Instead it will cause people to resort to desperate majors (coat hanger abortions, abortions in Mexico) causing more health problems for women and not just killing the fetus but potentially the women as well due to unsafe medical procedures. Look at history it already happened. Another potential social problem that could come about is crime rates will most likely increase. Studies have shown that unwanted children are more prone to become troubled adolence who are prone to drug use and crime. When abortion was legalized in 1970 the crime began to go down. In countries where abortion was banned crime rates went up. Although I agree with the idea that that all women have plenty of solutions; the facts are condoms break; pills can be mistaken or unresponsive in some people. Abortion is a sure way when other methods fail. Adoption is great point to bring up. Have you looked at the success rates of the adopted child in today’s world because the odds are against them. The one’s that succeed are lucky. Adoptee’s trauma begins the moment their separated from their mother. (Verrier, 1993) This trauma is subconscious but still exists. Many adopted children develop shame and doubt at as little of 13 months to 3 years old believing that who they are is bad. As they get older many adoptive children tend to try acting out what they believe their biological parents maybe like trying drugs and getting involved promiscuous behavior. I’ve seen it happen with my own friend who is adopted along with looking at the psychological research. I recommend you read Freaknomics and look at the long term physical and psychological affects that this would cause our nation. I recommend that you look at the social burden you’re putting on these unwanted children by putting them in foster care and allowing them to know for the rest of their lives that they weren’t wanted. I hope you understand that by banning abortion you’ll be increasing the death toll by not only killing fetuses but their mothers as well. And perhaps they deserve this but I do believe that is up to us only God has the only right to judge. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."- Matthew 7: 12. I agree that life is a great gift but it is really up to us to decide for every person who should have to give life? Think about this Matthew 7:12 the next time you comment on the president of our school or Brittney Spears hair. Because I just looked on your facebook and is that journalist of the IDS drinking! Wow! I wonder if she knows what example she’s setting.
PS: This is new anonymous not the old one.
Don't worry about the people that don't agree with you. You know what you can do, and it comes down to the fact that you are a good writer. Just keep doing your thing.
I have no particular love for the out-going IUSA administration -- but, I wouldn't be too hard on Ol' Betsy. A number of us IDS staffers were doing the exact same thing last night.
Still, that picture was really funny.
-- Brian
new anonymous. i know you said not to judge your grammar but it is pitiful. way worse than the last anonymous. also, if we are not judge, why do you suggest we should judge whether or not to take a babies life. theres another way to prevent pregnancies that can't go wrong. it is called abstinence. being the bible reader that you are i thought you might have heard of this.
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