I'm actually not going to get going on Britney. I think the photo really speaks for itself.
Wait, I changed my mind.
WHAT WAS SHE THINKING? If this is a publicity stunt, well, it's working. But by this point, I don't think any of us are surprised by what Brit has been doing. I mean, after marrying Kevin Federeline (who has a myspace?) I would probably shave my head, too. And change my name. And move out of the country. And maybe die. I don't know, though. I'm kind of excited about his new CD. If it's anything like Playing with Fire, I'm sure we can all expect big things.
I think that my general setup for this blog is going to be as follows:
Title - The song I last listened to
First thing I talk about - Something in the news
Next thing I talk about - Something that irks me
After that - I don't know. I'll probably pull off something pretty crazy.
Well, since I have my title and my bit of news... here is my irk of the day.
No, but that class is full of people who are so liberal I think Hilary Clinton is kind of scared.
I usually don't talk in this class because I would literally get eaten alive. I took it to fulfill a requirement without really thinking about the consequenses. My mother told me not to take it, but I just didn't listen. Well, today, I talked.
We were talking about abortion, which is one thing that I really, really get heated about. I am pro-life. Now, whenever you hear somebody say this, you automatically assume that they are Christian. Well, yes, I happen to be Christian. But there are so many reasons that abortion is wrong that are not based on Christian morals. Ah, don't get me started. I could go on and on.
I have no problem with pro-choice people. I love them. I just love people in general. But the one thing I can not stand, above all, is ignorant people. Misinformed or uninformed. They think that they know what they are talking about, but really, they are just repeating what they think they should believe in a feminism class. And you know what that was? Abortion is good because if we outlaw it, it will just be another way for men to oppress women by taking away their choice.
Can I remind everyone that this choice is killing a potential human being? I'm not completely against abortion -- there are always exceptions that can be justified. For instance, rape, medical reasons, and so on. But doing it just because you got pregnant by mistake? If you made the conscious choice to have sex without contraception, then I'm sorry, but that was your choice. There are soo many forms of contraception besides abortion, including condoms, birth control, day-after pills, everything that could possibly make it easy not to get pregnant. And I don't want to hear the "they are too expensive" argument, because I know that an abortion is much more so.
Another argument that was made today was that the earth is overpopulated, and without abortions blah blah blah. You know the rest. And kids who aren't wanted shouldn't have to live in a world that doesn't support them. Ever heard of adoption? There are plenty of parents waiting for such children. And I believe that everybody atleast deserves the chance to make their lives good.
My favorite quote of the day, however, was this: "You're trying to make it sound like life is the best gift ever!" (in a completely serious tone...she was not kidding).
I just looked at this girl and shook my head. "Um, yes. I would say that life is probably the greatest thing that can happen to a person." umm...duh?
Oh. The agony. One word describes how I feel in that class: misery.
On a lighter note, who doesn't love a good facebook stalker? Oh, come on. You know you all do this!!
I believe that you are the "ignorant" one. You tag your so called post only to those you know will agree with you. Come on, what are you afraid of? That someone may actually prove you wrong. Well then, I suggest you get use to harsh criticism. Something tells me by your ignorant "pro-life" point of view without all the facts will result in your failure as a journalist. Here is some real advice, BE OPEN MINDED!
hmm, well i tag people that i actually talk to in real life, you must not be one of them. i have a lot of liberal friends and they should feel free to comment. what am i afraid? what are YOU afraid of? you don't even identify yourself. atleast i know my convictions and i'm not afraid to stand by them.
ps. we never agree and she tagged me, and also natalie, lady you still rock!!! ♥ congrats on the anonymous hate mail!!
anonymous, here is some advice for you, SHUT UP! you sound pretty ignorant yourself. how do you know she doesn't have all the facts. i am sure she does and just doesn't present them because someone like you will be like "oh yea killing a baby is okay". why are you reading the post if you weren't tagged anyway, you're just looking for a fight.
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